Monday, January 26, 2009

Overdraft "protection"

Does anyone else's bank charge them for overdraft protection?

I realize this is the first post I've officially made here, so it's not a thrilling topic. But I'm upset, and I needed to vent.

I didn't transfer money from my savings account last week because I knew my paycheck would go into my account Friday. I also knew that some of the purchases I made wouldn't be deducted from my account until after my paycheck went through.

But apparently, Wachovia freaked out that I would have "insufficient funds" in my checking account and transferred just enough money from savings to checking to cover the negative balance.

I theory, this is a good thing. However, they also charged me $10 to do this.

So, I'm looking at my account today, and I had like $200 something in there. But they transferred $22 over from savings because I had "insufficient funds." I'm not a math whiz, not by a long shot, but I am well-aware that $200 covers at least $22.

I called the bank since I'm now out $10. The woman, of course, tried to explain to me why they did it. I told her I understood what she was saying, but that I didn't actually have insufficient funds, so I wanted her to credit me the $10.  

She, again, tried to tell me why. I told her I wasn't really interested in their "why" anymore because it wasn't relevant since I had the money in there. She was courteous, as I was trying to be, but I realized she clearly was not going to credit my account.

So I'm out $10. I'm well aware that in the grand scheme of things, $10 is not a lot of money. But it's at least a whole meal and 1/2 at Wendy's or a small pizza from Papa John's. Or it's even a couple of groceries!

Banks stink. I think I'm going to pull my money out and tape it behind my toilet tank.

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