Thursday, June 3, 2010

That'll learn ya

Yankee Candle typically has polite, friendly and enjoyable customers. Occasionally, however, you'll get those bad apples in the store that you have to suck it up and do your best to make them as happy as possible.

I was working a Sunday shift with Juli last week, and this guy rushes in the store in a flurry of frustration. Juli greeted him, and he blew her off. He came up to the counter and said, "I need to return this."

I, of course, have to take care of this, as associates are not allowed to handle returns. He plops this L'Occitane bag on the counter. (Yes, that is the bath product store next to ours that no one knows how to pronounce.) Frequently customers bring in their returns in all sorts of bags, so I thought nothing of it.

I reach into the bag and pull this box out:

This dialogue ensues:

Me: "Sir, this product is not from this store."
Man (quite angrily): "Yes it is! I bought it HERE!"
Me: "Sir, we do not sell this product. It isn't ours."
Man (very angry now): "NO! I BOUGHT it HERE! I don't WANT it."
Me: "Sir, the gift set is from L'Occitane. They're located next door. This is Yankee Candle."

He looks around quickly, grabs the bag and heads out the door with not another word.

I like it when jerks get put in their place.