Monday, March 16, 2009

Anxious like whoa

Due to a few interesting turn of events, and now that I know I won't lose my job if the world knows this, I can now proclaim to the ... three? ... people that read this (and already know) that I'm looking for a job.

I had an in-person interview Thursday with AllscriptsMisys, the company my dad worked at for 26 years, though it was called a few other things throughout that time. The position is in their forms group. You know when you leave the doctor's office and he or she gives you a form with tons of conditions on there and the one applicable to you is checked? AllscriptsMisys makes software programs for doctor's offices and hosiptals, and the forms group makes the forms that work with those programs. So I'd be designing those forms.

Sound boring to you? Well, considering I love filling out forms (except for tax return forms because the government terrifies me), designing them sounds even more fun.

I made it to the third round in the interview process, as I've already had two separate phone interviews with the company.

I was, theoretically, the last in-person interview, but the supervisor told me that one more resume had come through. If that person doesn't get very far in the process, they will be making their offer to the chosen candidate by the beginning of this week. If that last person gets to the in-person interview, it could be the end of the week.

I'm beyond anxious for this position. I realize that it if isn't the right position that the Lord wants me to get, then I don't want it. But it's very difficult to keep that in perspective when I'm living five hours from my fiance, my best friend and my family, when I'm planning a wedding and when I have to get out of a city that is eating up every extra cent I earn through cost of living.

Palmetto Electric, my electric company, raised their rates to attrocious proportions. I literally will not be able to afford to live here during the summer if I run my air conditioning. And, as most of you know, it's ridiculously hot here, and I don't do well in really hot temperatures.

I know that if it's meant to be, I'll get the position. It's just really hard for me to get my mind off of it. I mean, at this point, I've done all I can do, impressed (or haven't) everyone that I have to and name-dropped all that I can. (Thanks, Dad!)

I have a very good feeling from the last interview, but I don't know if that's the Lord giving me peace about the fact I'll get it or me wishfully thinking. All I know, is that I love my job right now, but it's sadly time for me to go, especially with all the turmoil going on at the office right now. If someone can get their job back by my leaving, I really want that to happen.

I really can think of nothing else other than this job, and I know that's not healthy, especially if it's not the right one for me. I'm just praying with all of my heart right now that it's the right position. And if it isn't, I'll then have to ask God for the grace to accept it. But right now, I know that everyone I know is praying I get it! :)

Anyway, this is really just a post for me to get this stuff out of my head, so I can hopefully not worry about it quite as much. I'll keep you in the loop!

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