Thursday, July 8, 2010

The End of an Era

It's 12:30 a.m. as I'm starting this, and I should be sleeping. Isn't that always how it goes? I've been really tired the past few days, so when David and I got home from dinner tonight, we both just kind of crashed. Of course, I woke up in time for bed time, and now I'm wide awake.

Today was my last day at Yankee Candle. Several people asked me today if it was "bittersweet." I said no. After everything that's happened in the past month or so, things became a little harder to deal with. Yet, now that I'm done, it does feel kind of bittersweet. I also don't think it's really hit me yet.

I think it will hit me on Monday when I'm not headed out to Southpoint. Tomorrow will really just feel like my day off. So it will take a couple of days to sink in, I'm sure.

I'm going to be working for the staffing agency that I worked at throughout the summers in between college semesters, as well as after I graduated. It's going to be a 9-5 job with free weekends. At this point, that speaks volumes. I was getting so frustrated with the crazy schedule. I realized that after having worked at the paper, too, this will be the first "normal" job with normal hours in 3 years! It will be nice to not have to worry about my nights and weekends, knowing I'll have them free.

This is going to be so great for David and me. It has been really difficult having so little time to spend together. We'd see each other maybe once a week for a full evening. Every other night was a snippet of 2 hours before it was time to head to bed. I haven't been able to sleep in or relax on a Saturday morning in bed with my husband since before Christmas. Oh how I can't wait for my Saturdays back.

The "bitter" part of leaving the company is my team. I. absolutely. loved. my. team. My girls were such a joy to work with. We are all so close, and we have such a tight bond. Thankfully, I know that even though I'm not working there anymore, we will all still spend time together! The other assistant manager was leaving anyway, as well, so things were already going to change a lot. But I definitely would say to Casey, Val, Dawn, Juli and Chelsea, that you are the sweetest, most beautiful people I've ever had the pleasure of working with. I love you girls so much, and everything that has happened in the store is completely worth it to have had the opportunity to become friends with you girls. I wouldn't change a thing. I love you girls, and I can't WAIT to hang out with all of you again. :)

Juli, Val, Evelyn, me, Casey and Dawn

I guess this post doesn't really have a point. But I'm tired and sleepless, so I'm just kind of getting thoughts out there. I haven't written anything on here in more than a month. Mostly because things have been so bad at work, that it's been all-consuming. And to preserve my professionalism, I didn't want to get into the details of that online. That's reserved for my gab-fests with my girls! :)

I feel like I was able to leave on the best terms possible, and that's really good. I'm very happy with my last day, and I'm also happy I don't have to go back after "my days off."

I'm calling on your prayers for my new job, though! As it is a staffing agency, there is no guarantee of 40 hours a week, unless you're placed in a temp to perm or a permanent position. There is one in the works right now that they're looking at me for as a graphic designer. I'm hoping the company they recommended me to will pick me! It would be so perfect to get back into my career field!

So, yeah ... big changes in the Donovan household! We could not be happier! There is the anxiety that will be caused by uncertainty of hours worked, but we're so excited to be free from so much stress for such little pay and such unwelcome hours!

After all is said and done, though, it is a wonderful product, and of course, I will still be shopping there until I die! haha! :) Gotta have my Yankee Candles!

As I close the book on this job, I'm really excited to see what opportunities the Lord has in store for me now!

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