Tuesday, January 5, 2010

An Epic Failure

I open myself up to ridicule by posting this, but it's just so classically me, that I feel I can't not share it.

Evelyn, my store manager, and I were working through a "To-Do" list at the store today. We really needed more $1 bills, because we had about five of them left.

I've never done a bank run to make change before, so I was pretty excited to get to leave the store on the clock and run the errand.

So she handed me the $5 and $20 bills so I could trade them for ones. I put on my coat and headed outside.

I figured I had a 5-10 minute ride to the bank, so I decided to call Lindsey on my way since she'd called me last night.

We're chatting away and I'm beginning to get a little weirded out because I can't find my car. I always park in the same general place when I open the store, so I was starting to freak out because my car wasn't there. I walked around a little bit more, seriously concerned that I was losing my mind.

After about 4-5 minutes of searching, it dawned on me:

David and I carpooled today, and my car isn't even here! He drove!

Epic. Failure.

I sheepishly walked back into the store and told Evelyn what had happened. She could not stop laughing and promptly informed me I would never live that down.

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